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Diposting oleh Mr. Andri Siagian Selasa, 25 Mei 2010 0 komentar

Walt Disney Cartoon Goofy Dog Animated Avatars

Free Walt Disney Cartoon Goofy Dog Animated Avatars for your website.

Walt Disney Cartoon  Goofy   Dog Animated Avatars
Walt Disney Cartoon Goofy Fall Down Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Walt Disney Cartoon  Goofy   Dog Animated Avatars
Cartoon Goofy Disney Watching TV Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Walt Disney Cartoon  Goofy   Dog Animated Avatars
Goofy Walt Disney Take a Walk Cartoon Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Walt Disney Cartoon  Goofy   Dog Animated Avatars
Cartoon Disney Goofy Dance Listen to Music Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Disney Pluto Dog in Action Animated Avatars

Free Disney Pluto Dog in Action Animated Avatars for your website.

Disney Pluto Dog in  Action   Animated Avatars
Pluto Dog Disney and Crap Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Disney Pluto Dog in  Action   Animated Avatars
Disney Pluto With Two Butterflies Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Disney Pluto Dog in  Action   Animated Avatars
Disney Funny Pluto Moving On Ski Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:
Funny Disney Cartoon  Pluto   Dog Animated Avatars
Funny Pluto Disney Wants a Bone Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Funny Disney Cartoon  Pluto   Dog Animated Avatars
Pluto Dog Disney Hear Something Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Funny Disney Cartoon    Pluto Dog Animated Avatars
Disney Dog Funny Pluto Singing Loud Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Cute Snow White Kitty Animated Avatars

Free Cute Snow White Kitty Animated Avatars for your website.

Cute Snow White Kitty   Animated Avatars
A Cute Snow-colored Kitty needs a Hug Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Cute Snow White Kitty   Animated Avatars
Whiter Cat Get Back to Home Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Cute Snow White Kitty   Animated Avatars
Girly Snow Kitty keeps a secret on Face Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Cute Snow White Kitty   Animated Avatars
Cough.. Cough.. White Kitty just Coughing Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Cute Snow White Kitty   Animated Avatars
Snow White Kitty keeps Traveling Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Fantasy Disney Mickey Mouse Animated Avatars

Free Fantasy Disney Mickey Mouse Animated Avatars for your website.

Fantasy Disney Mickey   Mouse Animated Avatars
Fantasia Disney Mickey Mouse Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Fantasy Disney Mickey   Mouse Animated Avatars
Disney Mickey Mouse Fantasy Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Fantasy Disney Mickey   Mouse Animated Avatars
Mickey Disney Fantasy Moon Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Fantasy Disney Mickey   Mouse Animated Avatars
Disney Mickey Mouse Fantasy March Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Funny Mickey Mouse  Disney   Animated Avatars
Happy Mickey Mouse Face Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Funny Mickey Mouse  Disney   Animated Avatars
Funny Mickey Mouse Present Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Funny Mickey Mouse  Disney   Animated Avatars
Cute Mickey Mouse Dance Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Funny Mickey Mouse  Disney   Animated Avatars
Smart Mickey Mouse Playing Guitar Avatar

Copy and paste the HTML into your posting for it to show up:

Directions: Developer's View

Step 1: Insert the following code in the HEAD section of your page

Select All

The code above references one CSS file plus two external .js files, which you need to download below (right click/ select "Save As"):

  1. featuredcontentglider.css (read inline comments for tips on customizing the default CSS)
  2. featuredcontentglider.js

By default, upload these three files to the same directory as where your webpage resides.

Step 2: Insert the below sample code into the BODY section of your page:

Select All

It contains the HTML for the first demo you see above. That's it for installation! Lets move on to understanding how everything works.

Set up Information

The code of Step 2 shows how to apply the script to ordinary content on your page:

canadaprovinces" class="glidecontentwrapper">

Glide content 1 here

Glide content 2 here

Glide content 3 here

p-select" class="glidecontenttoggler">
toc">Page 1 toc">Page 2 toc">Page 3

A main DIV (ie: "canadaprovinces") should surround all of the individual contents to be glided, with each glided content also wrapped in a DIV of its own and tied together with its peers using a shared CSS class name (ie: "glidecontent"). The Toggler DIV isn't tied down to the Glider DIV structurally, and can be added anywhere on the page (give it a unique ID as well, ie: "p-select"). We'll discuss what you can add inside the Toggler DIV in the next section, but moving on for now, finally, call featuredcontentglider.init() and supply it with the IDs of the various contents you've just defined, among other things, to get things going:

There are 8 parameters in total you can customize. Note the 3 red values- these must match the corresponding IDs you assigned in the HTML portion of the script! Allow me to draw your attention to the last 2 parameters on the list:

autorotate: true, //Auto rotate contents (true/false)?
autorotateconfig: [3000, 2] No comma after the last parameter!

Notice how there's a comma following the 2nd to last parameter (and every other before it), but not after the final parameter. This convention is required! You will be starred at with simply a disappointed look if your problems with getting this script to run traces back to you having mistakenly added a comma to the last parameter as well. BTW, the last parameter:

"autorotateconfig: [3000, 2]" 

lets you control the pause between content rotations, plus how many cycles to rotate before stopping, respectively. For the later, a value of 0 would cause it to rotate perpetually (until a pagination link is clicked on).

Setting up the pagination links

The pagination links (aka The Toggler) are defined manually by you inside a DIV with a unique ID:

p-select" class="glidecontenttoggler">
toc">Page 1 toc">Page 2 toc">Page 3 next">Next

You insert 3 different CSS class names as desired to give certain links special meaning. They are:

  • toc: A link with this CSS class will act as a pagination link. You should define as many such links as there are gliding contents to show. You do not necessarily need to know in advance how many gliding contents there are, however, as redundant "toc" links will automatically be hidden by the script.

  • prev: A link with this CSS class moves back the shown content by 1.

  • next: A link with this CSS class moves forward the shown content by 1.

With that in mind, which links to show, how they are arranged, and how they are styled are all up to you. Here's an example of showing just "previous" and "next", navigational links and using images:

The freedom is yours at the expense of a little manual work. On the following page, you can see the CSS and HTML used to render the gray CSS pagination buttons used in the 2nd demo above.

Notice about doctype and IE

Note that the CSS used to style this script assumes that your page contains a valid doctype at the very top in order to display properly in IE. This is due to IE's buggy support of CSS and the Box Model. Of course you're free to modify the CSS in any way to get the desired look.

This script consists of an index page plus two supplementary pages. On the next page, see how to replace the default pagination links in the 1st demo with more fancy, gray CSS pagination buttons used in the 2nd demo instead.